Easy to deliver

Logistic company MTL.

All kinds of import and export services

from door to door.

Happy customers
Years of successful work
Our advantages
Work in the regime of sanctions

Our professionals know all the subtleties and pitfalls of international transportation in the current situation. We will find a competent solution and suggest workarounds.

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Наши клиенты
Наши клиенты
Реализованные проекты
Рекомендательные письма
Corporate social responsibility

Multilogistics LLC actively supports social programs and takes part in charitable initiatives. Financing of such shares is carried out annually from the company’s net profit.

We will be happy to help you with social projects. Our managers are always ready to discuss cooperation!

    Got questions about shipping?
    Leave your contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible!
    Our location
    Moscow 121059,
    Berezhkovskaya naberezhnaya 20, building 66